Saturday, June 30, 2007

Glasgow Airport in Scotland Target of Terror Attack!

Breaking News in Britain - A terror attack using an SUV on fire driven into a Glasgow Airport Terminal occured this morning. When the driver fled from the vehicle, carrying a gas cylinder, he was tackled by police. At least three people have been arrested. They were seen throwing cannisters by witnesses as the vehicle approached the airport. This follows an attempted attack in London I referred to in my last post. According to witnesses people were injured, but no reports of injuries have funneled through to the news media just yet.

The Glasgow Airport has been evacuated at this point.

Now, the Liberal Left's response (one such idiot used argument over at Jenn's Site) is going to be: "I thought taking the war to them will keep all the terror attacks in the Middle East?"

Well, here's the thing, my liberal friends: We were taking the war to the terrorists, but with all of the recent attempts at appeasement and withdrawal by the Left (not just the American Left, mind you) terrorists have been emboldened. Because of the liberal left's weakness, they are feeling stronger and more capable.

When I find out more I will post it.

Don't forget, Political Pistachio Radio airs live today at 4pm Pacific/7pm Eastern.

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