Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Work Begins

By Don Jans

Our Work Begins November 7.

As the saying goes, “I see a light at the end of the tunnel and it is not a train.” If the positive trend in the polls continues, we will awaken on November 7 from a horrible four year nightmare. I fear what was perceived as an administration with no leadership ability, a child president trying to do an adult’s job and an administration in a constant state of confusion (which it was), was also an administration with a misguided plan to greatly advance the transformation of America from a free, independent and capitalistic society to a highly regulated classless society with a centralized government. Never had we seen this so overtly put forth. Yes, there truly is hope that change is coming and forward means straight to Chicago.

As blatant as Obama and his surrogates have been promoting and implementing their Marxist/Progressive program, we must remember they did not originate this program, nor will it end with their departure. This Marxist/Progressive program has been promulgated for at least a hundred years. It has been most overtly promoted under the administrations of Wilson, FDR, and now Obama, but has been advanced under other Democratic and some Republican administrations.

We freedom and opportunity loving Americans cannot take a break, even with the great news we anticipate. Our work must continue with even more vigor on November 7th and beyond. We began the fight for individual freedom and independence with real purpose early in the decade of the 1770’s. Unfortunately, we thought the fight ended in 1781, only to learn in 2012 we have less freedom and are taxed heavier and less fair than we were in 1775. The weight of government from Washington D.C. is much more of a burden then it was from London.

This was recognized most recently by the movement called the Tea Party movement. Senators Simpson, Lugar, Governor Crist and others have learned party does not shield you when it comes to infringing on American freedoms. The freedom and opportunity movement truly puts freedom above political party.

Proponents of the Marxist/Progressive movement would tell us they are champions of the underprivileged and minorities. They say they are advancing the rights of these groups and making society fairer. What we have come to learn is by them diminishing and chastising even one successful person, the American Dream is tarnished for all. It is the promotion of effort and success that increases not only the aspirations, but also the living standards of all.

It has become common to hear the movement of the Marxist/Progressives referred to as European Socialism. It is that for sure. However, it is so much more than a redistribution of wealth through a confiscatory tax system that redistributes and wastes much of our national GDP. This economic system will always result in slow to no growth as Marx acknowledged and the years of FDR and Obama have proven. The Marxist/Progressive movement is also an attitude that permeates all of government. This attitude says government knows better than the private American how they should run their lives, families, businesses and even how to think.

Government, meaning elected, appointed and hired persons of government, no longer see themselves as servants of the people, but as all knowing and yes even above the law rulers. This has transitioned over time as more government personnel came from academia and not from business. Academics have always viewed themselves as superior to the people.

Karl Marx was of the same persuasion. He was a Doctor of Philosophy and knew nobody knew more about anything than he did. Like so many academics and government employees of today, Marx claimed to be a champion of the worker and the poor, but he detested them and refused to associate with them. His purpose was to use them to advance his own cause and elevate his power position. This is no different from present day Marxist/Progressives.

We must remember what the Marxist/Progressive movement is. Yes, they want to change a free and independent capitalistic society to a “fair and just” classless society. This is being done by regulating day to day activities of businesses and regulating decisions made by individual citizens. Dodd/Frank, Obama care, the EPA, The Department of Education, Department of Human Resources and many other regulatory agencies are advancing this movement. More importantly they believe their way of thinking and their moral values are correct and proper and must be held by all. This is what academics have always believed, and the Marxist/Progressive movement is controlled by academics today just as it was during the days of Marx.

Every time government gives something, they take even more control. If indeed we rid ourselves of this nightmare we have endured for the last four years, we must never forget the horrible lessons we have been reminded can and will happen. Not only must we continue the fight for economic freedoms, we must also fight for the freedoms we won in the Revolutionary War. Our founders had the wisdom that power should not be centralized in the federal government. We now know the dangers. All federal regulatory agencies must be curtailed and/or eliminated. We should start with the elimination of the EPA and The Department of Education. All others should be evaluated, and if not eliminated, they should be reduced by no less than 25% to start.

We must not relax. Our economic and social freedoms have been greatly infringed. We must insist the new administration we anticipate adheres to these very principles Sam Adams championed 240 years ago.

Don Jans, Author and Speaker

My Grandchildren’s America

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