Friday, June 27, 2014

Prosecutor's Lawyer: Scott Walker Not Targeted In Criminal Probe

by JASmius

Me, one week ago:

Prosecutors, ladies and gentlemen, do not make charges; prosecutors file charges.  If Messrs. Chisholm and Schmitz actually had evidence of this so-called "criminal scheme" on the part of Governor Walker and conservative groups, they would have filed formal charges so fast they'd have left vapor trails behind them.  In the absence of such charges, one can only reasonably conclude that they don't have any evidence.  So they make public accusations in order to frantically try and keep up the crumbling, never-all-that-big-in-the-first-place negative buzz around the Walk-man.

Hot off the wires yesterday:

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is not a target of a criminal probe into potential violation of campaign finance laws, according to a lawyer for the special prosecutor in the case.

Randall Crocker, an attorney for the special prosecutor, told the Wisconsin State Journal that when the probe was halted, the Republican governor had neither been served with a subpoena, nor was he among the targeted individuals. The probe was stopped by a federal judge, whose ruling is under appeal.

"At the time the investigation was halted, Governor Walker was not a target of the investigation. At no time has he been served with a subpoena."

He further added, "It is wrong for any person to point to this sentence in a legal argument as a finding by the special prosecutor that Governor Walker has engaged in a criminal scheme. lt is not such a finding."

Wow, that was fast.  I guess the ridiculous public accusation, coming as it did after two prosecutorial smear attempts of the future POTUS were smushed by the courts, didn't get nearly the traction that the media had hoped they would.  Though the Governor's Donk challenger, Mary Burke, did get an attack ad out of it, for whatever it's worth, which can only backfire on her in light of this prosecutorial walk-back.

Better luck next time, jagovs.

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