Tuesday, March 03, 2015

“Iran Will Destroy Tel Aviv In Ten Minutes”

by JASmius

Kinda makes you wonder if the mullahs issue statements like the following as pre-emptive victory laps to rub Bibi's nose in the fact that, for all his declarations this morning about the unshakeability of the Israeli-American alliance, the United States has, in fact, swtiched sides and is a junior ally of the Islamic Empire:

A senior figure in the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, Mujtabi Du Al-Nour, threatened on Saturday that Iran will destroy Tel Aviv in ten minutes if Israel “makes a mistake” and strikes the Islamic regime’s nuclear facilities.

Al-Nour, who is a representative of Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, in a talk with journalists responded to Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman’s (Yisrael Beytenu) comments from Friday, when he said Israel should stop talking and start acting by striking the facilities said to be developing nuclear weapons.

“If the Zionists were sure that they would win in war they would already have initiated it, but they don’t have the strength to do that – so they just threatened,” blustered Al-Nour. According to the Revolutionary Guards leader, Iran has rockets that can reach the heart of Tel Aviv within six or seven minutes, “even before the rockets of the Zionists reach us.” The threat, coming as it does during Iran’s efforts to increase its nuclear output capability by 19-fold and feasibly obtain the ability to equip nuclear warheads on the rockets Al-Nour claims the country possesses, gives extra urgency to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s warnings against a bad nuclear deal.

Wow.  It's almost as if Mr. Al-Nour has inside knowledge that American air assets will shoot down any Israeli fighter/bombers that try to overfly Iraq or Syria to attack Iran's nuclear weapons facilities.

And no, that's not snark.  Of all the human beings on the face of this planet today, I think the one whose shoes I would want to occupy the absolute least is Benjamin Netanyahu's.  He knows what the Iranians are doing, they know what they're doing, and both know the other know it, and the same is true of where Barack Obama's loyalties lie.  The Iranians are going to wipe Israel off the map, and there is nothing the Israeli prime minister can do about it.

Except incinerate Tehran and as many Iranian targets as the Jewish State has the wherewithall to target and take out.  It's known as the Samson Complex, and the last time Israel was pushed into this dire a position was during the Yom Kippur War of 1973.  Blessedly, Golda Meir and Moshe Dyan didn't have to pull the trigger forty two years ago.  Mr. Netanyahu is just about to that point today, and this morning's congressional address was his country's final warning.  Because one thing we can bank on with Bibi: If his country's going to go down, he's by-Jehovah going to take their enemies down with them.

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